Deadline: 15 July 2016
Extended Call for authors from South Africa only


To maintain consistency in the Congress Proceedings, papers should conform to the following format:

  • Application: PDF
  • Page size: A4
  • Margins: 2.5 cm on all sides
  • Line spacing: multiple: 1.15
  • Header and footer margins: 1 cm
  • Header in 10 point Arial: Author’s Name, Short Title of Paper, ‘52nd ISOCARP Congress 2016’
  • Footer in 10 point Arial: Page number, centred
  • Text: 11 point Arial
  • Main title: 14 point Arial Bold
  • Beneath title in 11 point Arial: Given and FAMILY names of author(s) in either order, with FAMILY name in upper case (capitals); affiliation if any (organisation, agency, institution, etc.); country.
  • Start with short abstract.
  • Headings: 11 point Arial Bold; subheadings italic.
  • Images, figures and tables: captions and sources of data below the graphic, with sources of all data and figures, in 10 point Arial italic.
  • Length should not exceed twelve pages, and size should not exceed 2 MB.
  • Save your paper as follows: Family name_short title_2016.


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