Pages from UPAT - Spatial Visioning Reflections coverSpatial Visioning Reflections Magazine – The Heartland of the West Bank

Joint press release UN-Habitat and ISOCARP
Jerusalem/The Hague November 24, 2015

This summer UN Habitat’s office in Palestine and the International Society Of City And Regional Planners (ISOCARP) joined efforts with local and national partners to elaborate a series of spatial visions for the heartland of the West Bank region which includes East Jerusalem, Bethlehem, Ramallah, and Jericho.

Today, UN-Habitat and ISOCARP have launched the result of their partnership – a special magazine containing a collection of articles prepared by Palestinian and international planners addressing spatial planning issues in the West Bank at different levels – from the street design level to national planning policies level. The magazine provides innovative spatial planning solutions for the current and anticipated future challenges for spatial development in the West Bank.

Click here for more information and to download the magazine.