Main Venue:
Bureau Europa
Timmerfabriek, Boschstraat 9, Maastricht
The listed accommodations are all in walking distance from the venue (max. 15-20 mins).
18 October:
19:30 Registration international guests – Bureau Europa
20:30 Walking tour of Maastricht – Jo Coenen
19 October:
9:00 Reception & Welcome – alderman Mr Gerdo van Grootheest (Cityhall Maastricht)
9:45 Introduction – Robert Broesi
10:15 Workshop
What is the position of polycentric urban regions in the global economy?” (Jan van Eyck Academie)
12:30 Lunch (Tapijnkazerne)
13:00 Keynote – Ruurd Gietema
14:00 Workshop
What are the effects of the transition to a knowledge economy on the cities? (Turnzaal – Maastricht University)
16:30 Conclusions & Feedback (Brandweerkantine)
17:00 Drinks
20 October:
9:00 Keynote – Peter Veenstra (Stadion de Geusselt)
9:45 Workshop
“How to create successful trans boundary infrastructural networks?”
12:30 Lunch (Caracola)
13:00 Keynote – Henk van Houtum (Timmerfabriek)
14:00 Workshop
“How does landscape development contribute to the success of transboundary urban regions?”
16:30 Conclusions & Feedback (‘t Lab Province of Limburg)
17:00 Drinks