ISOCARP has an accredited status with several International Organisations.

Accredited Representatives
UNECE, New York – Gilles Laheurte (USA)
UNECE, Geneva – Charles Lambert (FRA)
UNESCO, Paris – Ric Stephens (USA) Janine Marin, Philippe Vaillant (FRA)
COUNCIL of EUROPE, Strasbourg – Bernard Aubert, Béata Hildebrand, Wassey Bacharyar (FRA)
UN-HABITAT – Ric Stephens (USA), Didier Vancutsem (GER)
EUROPA NOSTRA – Pierre Laconte (BEL)
ICOMOS – Pierre Laconte (BEL)


ISOCARP has a formal consultative status as a recognised Non-Governmental organisation with UNESCO.

Habitat Professionals Forum

The Habitat Professionals Forum has been established and continues to be run under the auspices of UNCHS (Habitat) on the initiative of the International Society of City and Regional Planners, ISOCARP, International Federation of Housing and Planning, IFHP, International Union of Architects UIA, International Federation of Surveyors, FIG, Centre for African Settlement Studies and Development CASSAD and Arabian Urban Development Institute AUDI. The Forum was organised under the auspices of UNCHS (Habitat).

Council of Europe

ISOCARP is officially recognised as an accredited NGO with consultative status with the Council of Europe. ISOCARP is also a member of the Liaison Committee of the Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs) enjoying consultative status.
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Proyecto CITIES

Proyecto CITIES constitutes a collective effort, focusing on some 20 cities located in five continents, to identify the competitive advantages of each, and to present the principal urban innovations that they are developing, especially those that impact on the physical form of the city and the structure of the metropolitan region. This project will form the basis for the creation of a Network of Excellence that encourages innovation and the exchange of experiences among participating cities.
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