Deadline for paper/case study, session submission: 15 August 2017.
For Guidelines for Papers click here (see p. 3).
In short:
• Application: PDF
• Page size: A4
• Margins: 2.5 cm on all sides
• Header and footer margins: 1 cm
• Header in 10 point Arial: Author’s Name, Short Title of Paper, Joint OAPA-ISOCARP Conference 2017
• Footer in 10 point Arial: Page number, centred, ISOCARP logo
• Text: 11 point Arial
• Main title: 14 point Arial Bold
• Beneath title in 11 point Arial: Given and FAMILY* names of author(s) in either order, with FAMILY* name in upper case (capitals); affiliation if any (organisation, agency, institution, etc.); country.
• Next, either the synopsis or a shortened abstract may be included, but not both.
• Headings: 11 point Arial Bold; subheadings italic.
• Images, figures and tables: captions and sources of data below the graphic, with sources of all data and figures, in 10 point Arial italic.
Example paper Example paper in pdf
Please submit your paper in pdf format.
Poster Presentation Guidelines. Poster Submission: 31 August 2017, to be sent to
GuidelinesforPresentation at the conference (to be submitted at a later stage)