Introductory Report

Please read the introduction to the Congress by the General Rapporteur Amos Brandeis and his team:
Introductory Report of Congress Team: Theme, Topics, and Papers“.

For each track a track keynote speaker was chosen among the submitted papers. 

On top of these selected speakers tracks 1, 5 and track 6 have an additional invited track keynote speaker:

Track 1:  William Lau, Immediate Past President of Singapore Institute of Planners, Singapore

Track 3: Mthembeni Mkhize, School of Built Environment and Development Studies, University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban, South Africa

Track 6: Olivier Lemaire, General Manager International Association Cities and Ports, France.

 Invited speaker track 1

William Lau, Singapore
Title of Speech: Planning of Marina Bay Waterfront, Singapore Experience

William Lau

William HL Lau is an Urban Planner, Architect and Educator based in Singapore, and the founder of A. Alliance Design International (AADI) Architects & Planners. Currently, he is the Immediate Past President of Singapore Institute of Planner (SIP). Short Bio of William and synopsis of track 1 keynote speech >>


Invited speaker track 3

Mthembeni MkhizeMthembeni Mkhize, South Africa
Title of Speech: The Impact of 2010 FIFA World Cup on Durban


School of Built Environment and Development Studies, University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban, South Africa

Short bio of Mthembeni and synopsis of track 3 keynote speech >>

 Invited speaker track 6


Olivier Lemaire, France
Title of Speech: The Smart Port City, a win win strategy for city-port developments

General Manager of the AIVP – International Association Cities and Ports. Short bio of Olivier and synopsis of track 6 keynote speech >>

Track 1: Urban Design, Landscape and Livable Cities

Water related urban planning, design and vision; waterfronts and city centers close to or along rivers, oceans, seas and lakes; residential, commercial and industrial areas linked to water bodies; marinas; urban nodes and institutions along the water; sustainable and water sensitive related urban planning; cities on cliffs; underwater buildings; historic cities and towns, and heritage patterns or buildings along water and their development, renewal, or preservation; environmental design and sustainable development; waterways and parks along them; open spaces and connectivity along waterways; culture and water; urban life, festivals, performances, and activities along waterfronts; inspiration of water; water related arts and cultural events; etc.



Judith Ryser

Judith Ryser, United Kingdom
Title of Speech: Water in Cities: for Whose Benefit?
Short bio

Track 2: Social Aspects, Collaborations and Governance

Water as a connection or divider between cities or regions; water related collaborations; national or local cross-border cooperation; formal and informal networks across territorial limits (water, rivers), at local level in waterfront development, or at regional level along riverside areas; people and water; demographic aspects; migration and its impacts; public participation; stakeholders engagement; grass roots initiatives; governance and decision making processes and water related planning processes; legal aspects as building along coasts and rivers, water use and water rights, planning laws in relation to water issues; etc.



Fern Tiger, USA
Title of Speech: Bringing Voices Together to Create a Waterfront Vision

Short bio

Track 3: Economic, Leisure and Tourism Aspects

The economic impacts of waterfronts, urban renewal projects near water bodies, and development plans along coasts, beaches and rivers; cost benefit analysis of water related planning / water sensitive planning / river restoration projects; water and water related development as an economic catalyst in urban development; real estate issues along waterfronts, in relation to water views and along greenways; the impact of parks in the city; urban growth and water issues; ports as an economic catalysts and factor in urban growth or depression of shrinking port activities; tourism along urban coast lines, beaches and rivers; tourism on the water; marinas; water sport; beach sport; bicycles paths; urban parks; etc.



Mitchell Reardon

Mitchell Reardon, Sweden
Title of Speech: Urban Regeneration and the Role of Blue Infrastructure in Stockholm’s Green Profile
Short bio

Track 4: Water Management

Water management; floods, flood plains, and flood protection measures and their impacts on urban planning; urban friendly and water sensitive water planning and engineering; hydrology and geo-hydrology in the city; river and lake restoration; cross-border rivers and lakes; water quality and pollution; drinking water issues; water related illness and health problems; underground water quality; water quantity, changes in water level and their impacts on urban areas; water harvesting; desalination; water recycling and reuse; greywater; links to nearby agricultural areas; etc.



Amy Santoso

Amy Santoso, Singapore
Title of Speech: Hard versus Soft: A Comparative Study of Multi-Functional Urban Water Defense in New York City and Singapore
Short bio

Track 5: Environment, Ecosystem and Climate Change

Environmental issues in urban and water related context; ecosystem services in urban areas; coasts and beaches; carrying capacity; protected areas and nature reserves in urban patterns; urban nature; conflicts between nature and urban development; ecological corridors; ecosystem preservation and restoration of rivers, lakes and sees with urban impacts; ecosystem health, diversity and quality of life; climate change impacts on urban areas; floods and droughts; climate change adaptation; rising of sea level, impacts and solutions; falling down cliffs; role of green spaces in urban areas for climate change; cities in water scarce regions; coping with natural disasters (floods, typhoons, tsunamis); etc.



Žaklina Gligorijevic

Žaklina Gligorijevic, Serbia
Title of Speech: Natural Core of Belgrade  – Urbanization for Sustainability
Short bio

Track 6: Ports, Transportation and Infrastructures

Ports programs and planning; changes and future trends; relations with cities; impacts on cities and regions; reuse of industrial waterfronts; hinterland activities and links to the city; mixed uses; openness; transportation to the water and on the water; bridging over waterways and their urban impacts; highways and roads along rivers and coasts; infrastructures near the water; overcoming infrastructure barriers; ports and infrastructures; flood defense and water harvesting infrastructures; dams; etc.



Karolina Krosnicka, Poland
Title of Speech: Where does the container terminal really end?
Short bio