Bank transfer
Name of the bank: ING Bank
Address of the bank: P.O. Box 1800, 1000 BV Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Physical address of the bank: Bijlmerdreef 109 (Financial Plaza), 1102 BW Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
Account name: ISOCARP-AIU-IGSRP. Address: Laan van Meerdervoort 70, 2517 AN The Hague, The Netherlands.
Account number: 5415833
IBAN: NL64INGB0005415833
BIC/Swift: INGBNL2A (in case you need 11 digits please add xxx)
Credit Card via Secured Online Payment Platforms:
ISOCARP membership 2019-2020
Bank cheque
Minimum amount 400 Euro.
Payment in the name of ISOCARP, Laan van Meerdervoort 70, 2517 AN The Hague, The Netherlands.
Western Union & MoneyGram
Western Union and MoneyGram charge a percentage to the debtor. Please take care that ISOCARP receives the total amount due.
Payment in the name of first name(s) Monica Constance, last name (family name) Ornek, The Hague, The Netherlands.
Fax or e-mail the number on the Western Union/MoneyGram transfer sheet (+ password for some countries) to