Guy Vloebergh is master in urban and regional planning (master degree ARTESIS University College Institute Antwerp Belgium).
He is CEO of the private planning and design office OMGEVING cvba ( located in the city of Antwerp (Flanders/Belgium).

He is project manager and the person responsible for OMGEVING with respect to various spatial structure plans, land use plans, town planning advice, research contracts, feasibility studies, spatial strategic implementation plans and complex supervisory contracts for the Flemish municipal policy.

Since 2009 Guy Vloebergh has been working as ‘regional border manager’ for ALBERTKNOOP, a strategic cross-border project implementing the spatial implementation plan for Flanders in the border area Flanders-Netherlands (city of Maastricht).

Guy Vloebergh combines his consulting work with an education activity as professor on ‘town planning tools’ and ‘implementation tools’ in the master’s course in town planning and urban development at the ANTWERP University (Belgium).
Guy Vloebergh is past (and founding) president of the Flemish Association of planners (Vlaamse Vereniging voor Ruimte en Planning – VRP) from 1997 till 2001 and since January 2012 President of the National Belgian Delegation within ISOCARP.

He became member of ISOCARP in 2006 and was involved in the Local Organising Committee of the ISOCARP congress of 2007 in Antwerp.