
GR Guy Perry

Join us for this year’s international planning summit:

“Cities that we Have vs. Cities that we Need”

Grow your network, share your vision and impact the planning of our environment.

At no time in human history has the nature of our urban environments been so critical to the well-being of ourselves, our civil society and the hospitability of our planet. Once a year, leading professionals from the private, public and academic sectors, come together from throughout the world to engage in earnest discussions regarding the most pressing planning issues of our time.  This year’s annual ISOCARP congress will be held in Durban, South Africa with the theme: Cities that we Have vs. Cities that we Need.

Clearly a theme that touches every city, but each in its own way and on its own terms. Implicit in this year’s theme is a need, perhaps even an urgent need, for change. It is a theme that acknowledges an evolving world order and an unprecedented scale and rate of urbanization – urbanization that has already tested the limits of our natural habitat and our own well-being. While there is no “silver bullet solution” the congress is intended to foster multidisciplinary discussions that afford the best opportunities to realize better and more resilient environments.

Urban and Regional Planners, public and private sector decision-makers, sociologists, economists, environmentalists, urban designers, landscape architects and architects, along with researchers and other professionals who shape or are impacted by our built environments. Speakers will present case studies, projects in planning, evaluations, theories and methodologies. Collectively, cross topical discussions will demonstrate how comprehensive, complex, fascinating and essential planning is as a framework for shaping lives for all citizens.

The program will include plenary sessions, concurrent sessions of more than 100 papers, inclusive debates, workshops, and social and cultural events which will ensure a series of unforgettable experiences for all participants. South Africa, a natural treasure of unparalleled splendour and a perfect setting in which to debate the shape the future of our rapidly changing urban environments. Concurrent sessions will be deep in substance and purposefully “open margin” to acknowledge the interdisciplinary nature of planning.

Key track themes will include:

–          Transforming Human Settlements
–          Active Citizenship
–          Planning Theory and Practice for the Next Decades
–          Planning and Policy during times of Uncertainty
–          Intelligent Cities
–          Planning for mutually beneficial rural-urban development

This annual event is a showcase of the vision and concerns of the world’s leading planning minds – of all generations. A unique celebration of the importance and potential of our profession for the human condition. Don’t miss this unique opportunity: join us through your paper submission, join us as a participant. Share your wisdom, grow your potential, increase your impact, our world will be the better for it.

See you in South Africa this September!

Guy Castelain Perry
General Rapporteur ISOCARP Congress 2016