Jury Report
Jury Members: Prof Huseyin Kaptan (Turkey), Prof Jeanne Wolfe (Canada) and Prof Federico Malusardi (Italy), the President.
Eight posters were received, being: Norbert Mundl (Austria), Stephane Christeler (Switzerland), Madelen Gonzales Bereziartua (Spain), Ana Maria Mateus (Portugal/Germany), Serkan Günes, Gülsen Yilmaz (Turkey), Aydan Sat, Nilufer Gurer, Asli Ucer (Turkey), A. Burak Buyukcivelek, M. Anil Senyel (Turkey), Penny Pang Wai Ki (Hong Kong).
Entries were evaluated on five criteria: a) visual impact; b) graphical quality; c) strength of communication; d) relationship to the congress theme and e) interest of the content.
The first prize winner was Madelen Gonzales Bereziartua of Spain for the entry “What makes Cities tick”. This entry was distinguised for its excellent graphic design, the way it pulls the viewer in, and the direct communication of its message.
The second prize was for the entry of Serkan Günes and Gülsen Yilmaz (Turkey) entitled: “Understanding Graffiti”. It was chosen mostly for its emblematic content, hidden messages, and comment on urban life, its youthful contestation and its critique of complex urban reality.