Jury Members: Jeremy Dawkins, Australia (Chair); Zeynep Gunay, Turkey; Mairura Omwenga, Kenya.
The twenty-two posters were highly individual in their style and approach. All of them were relevant to the congress theme, and each addressed a subject of significance to the author.
The posters were of high quality. Some were outstanding in terms of the data, information and analysis of the issues. Some were highly graphic and creative as posters. The Jury applied the above criteria to identify the posters which best integrated the technical content and the graphic potential of a poster.
The winner of the 2012 Routledge Poster Prize was Yuri Torres from Brazil, for his poster on “#rio hyperlocal: Social Media and Digital Landscape in the Process of Urban Redevelopment”.
Congress delegates could also make their choice for the poster they liked most. The public choicewas for Anastasia Lavrinenko for her poster on “Motovilikha”.

Poster by Anastasia Lavrinenko (Russia)

Jury chair Jeremy Dawkins