Bilbao 2005 - logo

Download the Congress Programme in English or in Spanish

Read the Words of Welcome to Bilbao

Download the Introduction by the General Rapporteur

Theme and Objectives

The 2005 ISoCaRP Congress will explore the Theme “Making Spaces for the Creative Economy”.

Read about the Congress Theme and Panels, or download the Schedule and Procedures.

Mayors’ Summit

The great wealth of planning expertise and experience in ISoCaRP is an invaluable resource and greatest asset, and the Mayors’ Summit will bring members in direct contact with top city leaders, who make the decisions that shape our cities and regions. By bringing together planners, academics and politicians, the ISoCaRP Mayors’ Summit is an important forum for new creative urban management, and a platform for cooperation and collaboration.

Encouraged by the experience of the experimental Mayors’ Summit in the 2004 Congress in Geneva, ISoCaRP will once again organise a Mayors’ Summit at the 2005 Congress in Bilbao. The city of Bilbao is an ideal setting to invite Mayors from some of the most innovative cities around the world to discuss the challenges and opportunities facing cities in the new creative economy. We encourage Mayors of other cities around the world to attend the event.

Participants in the 2005 ISoCaRP Mayors Summit
Dr. Iñak iAzkuna, Mayor of Bilbao; Mr. Francisco Alor Quezada, Mayor of Cancún ; Mr Jordi Baijet i Vidal, Mayor of Sitges ; Dr. Pekka Sauri, Vice  Mayor of Helsinki ; Mr. João Pessoa e Costa, President of Ambelis, Lisbon ; Mr. Mthembeni Mhkize, President, Cities Hub Africa

Pre-Congress Special Workshops

This year we celebrate the 15th Anniversary of our Young Planners Programme and we offer Pre-Congress Workshops on Planning Challenges and Opportunities:


For information on how to register and registration fees, please download the Registration Form.

Congress Team

Download the List of Congress Team Members.

General Information

Download General Information to help you plan your visit.

Congress Venue


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