The ISOCARP Awards for Excellence (IAE) are conferred in recognition of exceptionally innovative urban and regional planning initiatives in an increasingly urbanized world. Through the IAE, ISOCARP intends to encourage and promote innovative spatial projects at different scales, that have resulted in improved natural or built environment, enhanced quality of life, sustainability and resilience.
The ISOCARP Awards for Excellence (IAE) expanded their range of action in this special edition. The IAE, as always, is to reward plans and projects in the design phase, with process in progress, or already implemented experiences. Moreover, we now invite participants to also send us projects or ideas linked to research works on topics related to town and country planning. The IAE is open to a vast range of professionals and institutions operating in the domain of town and country planning:
- Architecture/town planning/engineering companies
- Cities (public administrations/urban development agencies)
- Universities’ departments/research centers
- Communities
- Students, freelancers…
The IAE is looking for the following topics to be addressed:
- Town/country development
- Urban regeneration
- Mobility and accessibility
- Urban/metropolitan ecology/agriculture
- Temporary/transitional uses
- Brownfields development/regeneration
- Social innovation/inclusive planning processes
- Smart specialised city strategies (ICT, smart governance…)
- Urban planning and employment
- Disaster risk reduction
- Low/neutral carbon development
In assessing your candidature, we will pay attention to how the following critical elements for planning are addressed in your proposal:
- Public space valorisation/definition/role
- Sustainability (processes, projects)
- Resilience (resources, energy efficiency…)
- Innovation
- Learning planning processes
- Link planning strategies/root socio-economic problems
- Regeneration
We are going to accept and evaluate different tools used in planners’ daily practice: normative plans, strategic plans, urban projects, programmes, policies, research works, software, smart tools facilitating planners and so on. The town planner’s “box of tools” is rich in content, we invite you to present your work. Please submit your application using the following means:
- A description of the plan/project/programme/policy (max. 10.000 characters spaces included)
- Drawings, maps, posters, graphical representations, charters necessary to illustrate your work (max. 4 A3 pages)
- It is not compulsory, but you can also send as a video illustrating your work (send us a link to watch and download it).
Registration Fee
1000 US dollars for each application (a candidate can apply with different proposals). Ways of payment
Jury of the Award
The jury of the IAE is composed of a member of the ISOCARP Scientific Committee, two experienced members, one young planner and the VP Awards, Communication and Marketing (President of the Jury).
Application procedure
Please send your application/s to the following email addresses and
Specify in the email subject: “IAE2016-Candidature”.
The proposal has to include the following:
– Your name as a member or the country of the National Delegation that nominates
– The name of the person, and/or the organization, and/or the project you nominate
– Information about your nomination and the reasons why you nominate them.
Your application is not going to be considered eligible if the registration fee has not been paid.
Deadline for submission 30 June 2016.
Substance of the Award
The 1st classified will receive one year free membership of ISOCARP, a free entrance to the congress and an official ISOCARP certification of the award.
The 2nd and 3rd classified will receive a free entrance to the congress and an official ISOCARP certification of the award.
The special mention winner will receive a free entrance to the congress and an official ISOCARP certification of the award.