73f225f9c5THEME & SITE:

Forming/planning space for childhood in Pushchino

In order to develop a new way of urban planning in Russia, there is a need of cross-border discussion on best available methods and techniques in contemporary city planning and urban design and opportunities of implementing them into the Russian planning system. In order to achieve this, RUPA and ISOCARP came into agreement to organize a National (Russian) YPP workshop on the topic of the Spaces for Childhood as one of the most socially fragile topic in the contemporary urban system. At the same time, the site chosen for the workshop is the city of Pushchino, a “science city” located near Moscow.

The YPP Workshop Program time-line:

June  24,  Sunday
Evening:  Arrival and group meeting  and Team Organization (welcome dinner: optional)
June 25,  Monday 
Morning:  Introductory lecture(s) by local experts to the City of Pushchino and its Planning Context
Afternoon:  Field Trip
Evening: first analysis of the topic, formulation of the design / planning problems
June 26, Tuesday
All Day:    Studio work in teams – analysis of the situation, final definition of the problem, first discussions on the problem solution
June 27, Wednesday
All Day: Studio work in teams – defining the problem solutions; Group Presentations and discussions
June 28, Thursday
All day: Studio work in teams – refinement of the proposed solutions, defining the specific proposals, defining gthe implementation methods; Group Presentations and discussions
June 29, Friday
Morning:  Final preparations for public presentation;
Afternoon:  Presentation of workshop results by each team to a larger audience to be invited by RUPA, discussions and closing.


ISOCARP and the Russian Urban Planning Association (RUPA) have recently made an agreement which entails a Young Planning Professionals Workshop, intended for Russian young planners and is part of the pre-congress activities.


The intended workshop aims to provide young Russian planners who are responsible for, or will participate in, the shaping and development of settlements, with the principles and practices of effective contemporary urbanism and practical knowledge that will be of immediate use to each participant.

The objective of the workshop is to provide workshop participants with hands on practical experience working in a studio setting under the guidance of two international experts from among the members of ISOCARP on a project site chosen jointly by ISOCARP and RUPA.


The target group of the workshop is the junior Russian planners. They come from various backgrounds such as architecture, civil engineering, spatial science technology and real estate management.


Forming/planning space for childhood in Pushchino near Moscow:Transformation of the urban system.


The two coordinators will be:
1. Responsible for the co-ordination of the framework, the scientific and professional content of the Workshop Theme in collaboration with local coordinators from RUPA.
2. Guide the Young Planning Professionals work throughout the workshop, stimulate discussions among them, instruct on the presentation format.
3. Coordinate the publication of the Workshop results in collaboration with the VPs responsible for the YPP Program.


The call for WORKSHOP COORDINATORS is open to ISOCARP Members only.


Each coordinator will spend 5 full days working with the YPP group within the dates of June 25th – 29th. Before and after, there may be a necessity of conducting meetings with local hosts and press.


YPP Workshop Coordinator:  Since this is an activity attached to our congress, there will be no  honorarium for the YPP Workshop coordinators for the duration of time they will spend guiding the YPPs.


ISOCARP will provide a travel allowance for selected coordinators to be paid after completing the task (500 Euro for European-based members and 700 Euro for non-European based members)  Selected workshop coordinators will be asked to arrange the trip on their own.

RUPA will be in charge of arranging hotels, meals and local transportation for the entire duration of the workshop within the agreed dates.


  • The location of the YPP Workshop will be Pushchino, Russian Federation
  • Expected arrival dates to Moscow: one day before the starting date of the Workshop
  • Departure: day after the public presentation of Workshop results

Coordinators are welcome to stay longer in Russia. However, their expenses for additional time spent in Russia beyond the time required for the workshop shall be borne by participating members themselves. Both RUPA and ISOCARP shall be timely informed of such an extension.


Issue of Call

April 10, 2012

Deadline – Reception of applications

April 25, 2012

Communication of Selection Results

May 8, 2012

Confirmation by selected Candidates

May 12, 2012 at the latest

Participation documents to selected candidates

between 15-30 May, 2012

Travel arrangements/procedures

between 1- 20 June, 2012

Arrival to Moscow (Workshop Coordinators)

June 24, 2012

Departure   (Workshop Coordinators)

June 30, 2012 (after public presentation of Workshop results)


Two Workshop Coordinators will be selected from among the applications. ISOCARP welcomes applications from full members with proven expertise on urban design and planning and with academic experience and/or teaching experience in similar professional training programs.  International experience is a plus but not a must. Also, the basic understanding and/or interest in Central and Eastern Europe realities will be treated as advantage.  The most effective composition of the team will be taken into account for the final selection.


1. A CLEAR statement of intent explaining why you want to apply.  Please be specific and refer to prior workshop coordination or participation experience.   (maximum 1 page)
2. A 2  page Curriculum Vitae/Resume pointing out the relevant experience
3. A selected list of publications and/or conference papers.
Applications and CV (Resume) should be sent to: kurth@isocarp.org


An evaluation and final selection of candidates will be done by a Selection Committee formed by Piotr Lorens, YPP Program VP, as well as other members of the YPP Advisory Board. RUPA will have to confirm the final selection.
Selected Candidates will be informed of their selection on May 8th, after which they will have to confirm their availability and participation to ISOCARP Headquarters not later than May 12th. Participation documents will be sent to them between 15-30 of May. Travel procedures (incl. visa if applicable) will start immediately after May 15.

Any questions during these procedures should be sent to ISOCARP Head Office.


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