Call for papers: ISOCARP Review of World Planning Practice (Volume 18)

“Towards Healthy Cities: Urban Governance, Planning and Design for Human Well-Being”

Abstract submission deadline: December 30, 2021

Our 57th World Planning Congress has been successfully completed in Doha recently. However, in less than 300 days, we will gather again on the occasion of the 58th World Planning Congress in Brussels, to be convened around the topic “From Wealthy to Healthy Cities.” In this regard, we want to timely prepare our ISOCARP flagship publication – Review of World Planning Practice – and now we invite you to submit a paper and contribute to this joint effort!

The following Review of World Planning Practice (Volume 18) is aligned with the upcoming congress’ topic and themes, and will revolve around a comprehensive agenda towards improving public health. Titled “Towards Healthy Cities: Urban Governance, Planning and Design for Human Well-Being,” the theme allows for a global debate on the evolution and innovations of post-covid cities and a better consideration of health as crucial component of planning. Volume 18 intends to cover an array of strategies, instruments, mechanisms, and design principles for improving the quality of life in the built environments across the globe.

Considering various spatial scales – from neighbourhood to metropolitan, the health of the inhabitants is influenced by the concentration of activities, social inequalities, mobility patterns, environmental quality, and climatic impacts. In this regard there is a growing understanding that health determinants can, and should, be tackled from an integrated planning approach, considering public and green spaces, housing, mobility, or eco-social inclusion amongst others.

The publication aims to offer an array of evidence for improved planning practice, informed by and based upon various tools – from the shift in policy-making towards new modes of designing urban space.

Interested in submitting a paper? Please fulfil the following form and send us your abstract until December 30, 2021.

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