Ulrich Graute, Germany
Committee Chair
Ulrich is a German academic, policy analyst, adviser and trainer living in Berlin. He supports international organisations, national governments, regional and local authorities in their international cooperation, strategy and capacity development towards a more sustainable urban and regional development.

Li Fan, Germany/China
Committee Vice Chair

Sebnem Hoskara, Cyprus
Dr. Hoskara is a professor or architecture and urbanism. She is the Director of Urban Research and Development Center (URDC) of Eastern Mediterranean University. She teaches and conducts research on architectural and urban design. She acts as the co-chair of the Senior Advisory Board on Public Space in City Space Architecture.

Ismael Fernandez Mejia, Mexico
Mexican Architect, Urban Planner, Consultant in Urban Development Projects, and Infrastructure. President of IFM International, firm devoted to the integration of Urban Development, Infrastructure, Clean Energy and Real Estate investment projects. Former head of the Scientific Committee for the 1st International Congress of Metropolis, basis for the creation of the Metropolis Association now based in Barcelona.

Hendricus Andy Simarmata, Indonesia
Hendricus Andy Simarmata is an Indonesian urban and regional planner who has more than 20 years of experience in research, consultancy, and advocacy in the field of sustainable urban development. Currently, he serves as the President of Indonesian Association of urban and regional Planners (IAP).

Professor Hangwelani Hope Magidimisha is an academic in the discipline of Town and Regional Planning, University of KwaZulu-Natal (UKZN).

Martina Juvara, United Kingdom
Martina Juvara is the director of strategic masterplanning company URBAN Silence in London. She is also a long-standing active member of ISOCARP, the International Society of City and Regional Planners, and their Head of Delegation at COP26.

Nasim Iranmanesh teaches architecture and urban planning in Azad University in Tehran. She has extensive experience in researching projects in architecture & urban design.

Hadeel Abuzaid is an architect, urban designer, consultant urban planner and graduate researcher in urban studies with a focus on urban development projects and sustainable urbanism studies.

Urara is a PhD candidate at The University of Tokyo, School of Engineering, Department of Urban Engineering. Her research focuses primarily on sustainable, inclusive urban planning and mobility.

Pia Carrasco, Venezuela
Pia Carrasco is a Chilean and Canadian biophilic urbanist and academic; currently residing in Caracas, Venezuela. She has been recently appointed as a member of ISOCARP’s Scientific Committee with a particular focus on Caring and Gender Urban Planning to leave no one behind and as a mechanism to also fight the Climate Change emergency crisis.

Dr. Tijana Tufek Memisevic is a Bosnian American architect, researcher and consultant in sustainable urban development. Tijana supports the research community in engaging with professional organizations, local authority, and civic society to work towards sustainable, inclusive and resilient cities. She is a member of the ISOCARP Board and the Scientific Committee.

Wenjing Luo (Helen Lambert), China
Wenjing Luo is appointed as member of ISOCARP’s Scientific Committee, with focus on Strategical Planning and Knowledge-based Urban Developments.