Gerd Albers Award 2010
The jury of Gerd Albers Award had the honour to review nine entries of ISOCARP members for the Gerd Albers Award 2010. The members of the jury, coming from academia, government and practice, evaluated the entries and decided to give the Gerd Albers Award 2010 to:
The journal “urbanistic pvs”
submitted by Federico Malusardi, Italy
The “urbanistica pvs” is an outstanding contribution to the theory and practice of city & regional planning. The journal focuses on the developing world, but especially in the theory of planning it is not limited to it. It is an impressive and interesting publication which makes a great contribution to planners’ knowledge on human settlements, sustainability and society. Some jury members raised queries about the somewhat dated design of the journal.
The following entries were received:
Beltran Uran, Haydée, Colombia, Actividades de Fomento, Urbanistica pvs, July 2009
Kapadia. Kavas, India, Inclusive planning for empowering urban poor, Institute of Town Planners India Journal, April 2010
Lewis, M.; Betts, K. et al, USA, Optimizing curricula and learning simulation, Asian-Pacific Journal of Cooperative Education, 10(2), Fall 2009
Malusardi, Federico, Italy, Three issues of journal “urbanistic pvs”- human settlements/ sustainability/environment/society; no. 51/52, no. 53, no. 54/55 2009-2010
Mohebbi, Mehri, Iran, The simplest Way to reach the most complicated Goal, ASCE: Journal of Urban Planning and Development (Vol.136, no.2), May 2010
O’Donnell, John, A land tax system-how it might work, Local Authority Times (Vol 14, no. 1 &2, pp 4-6), Spring 2010
Vujosevic, Miodrag, Post-socialist transition in Serbia, and its territorial capital, Summary of book in English, IAUS, Institute of Architecture and Urban & Regional Planning of Serbia, June 2010
The Jury members of the Gerd Albers Award 2010 were: Estefanía Chávez de Ortega, (Mexico), Peter Robinson (South Africa), Didier Vancutsem (Germany), Ric Stephens (United States of America), Chris Gossop (United Kingdom) and Dirk Engelke (Germany) heading the jury.