Gerd Albers Award 2011
In 2011 four contributions were received. The quality of the publications was very good and therefore it was a difficult task for the Jury to make a decision.
The Jury members (Dirk Engelke (Chair), Chris Gossop, Peter Robinson, Ric Stephens and Didier Vancutsem) brought out a vote taking into consideration the evaluation criteria set up by the Chair of the Jury, Dirk Engelke. These were:
1. Does it bring its message across in a comprehensible way?
2. Does the design convey the contents?
3. How does the book/paper fit into the broader context of urban theory and practice?
4. Relevance of the book/paper within the major current debates in urban planning
5. How does the book/paper illustrate the variety of problems and solutions related to the new challenges cities or regions of different sizes and nature are facing?
The Jury decided to split the prize and give the Gerd Albers Award 2011 to the following excellent publications:
Morched Chabbi: Role et fonctions des urbanistes dans la fabrication des villes du sud: le cas de Tunis 1960-2009
Dhiru Thadani: Language of Towns & Cities: A Visual Dictionary
Entries received:
Morched Chabbi: Role et fonctions des urbanistes dans la fabrication des villes du sud: le cas de Tunis 1960-2009
Janine Marin: Invisible Conflicts on inequal terms; Contribution for the NGO/UNESCO Day, 27 June 2011: “Water as Source of Life and Universal Human Resource: Cliché and Realities”
Raquel Tardin: Espacios Libres: Sistema y Proyecto Territorial
Dhiru Thadani: Language of Towns & Cities: A Visual Dictionary