ISOCARP supports the National Urban Policy Programme (NUPP), a global joint initiative of UN-Habitat, OECD and Cities Alliance. In January 2019, we invited our network and members to contribute as Senior Experts who want to support the NUPP. The work areas include the:

1) contribution to policy analysis in selected countries to be carried out within the NUPP framework (e.g., drafting an analytical paper on specific areas of urban policy) and
2) contribution to the second edition of the Global State of National Urban Policy (e.g., monitoring and evaluating NUPs). The contribution will be pro-bono but acknowledged in the outputs. Furthermore, there may be an opportunity to contribute as an external consultant. The volume of work, working time, and location are negotiable.

Furthermore, also as part of ISOCARP’s contribution to the NUPP, we were looking for Master, (post) PhD students and young professionals, who would like to assist in the abovementioned work, and/or to support the Secretariat function of the NUPP, either by contributing externally on a voluntary basis, or internally as a student intern.

After the selection process, discussions on possible collaborations started. To learn more about the programme and upcoming opportunities in the next cycle, please contact us via


Read the call for contributions.