
Social Events

Monday, 24 October 2011
Welcome reception offered by the Local Organising Committee
All participants are invited to take part in the welcome reception held by the Municipal Government.

Wednesday, 26 October 2011
Dinner of the Awards Ceremony
All participants are invited to take part. The prize is 20 Euro per person.

Friday, 28 October 2011
Farewell Banquet offered by the Local Organising Committee
All participants are invited to the farewell banquet.

Pre-Congress Tour 2011 (Shanghai – Nanjing – Wuhan)

Wednesday 19 October – Saturday 22 October
Estimated cost: 471,- Euro (p.p. in double room); 514,- Euro (single room)
Max. number of participants: 16 persons
Deadline for booking: 10 August 2011Technical Tours in Wuhan 24 October 2011

1. Tour of the Famous Historical City
Purpose: With unique urban pattern, excellent geographical conditions and a long history, Wuhan boasts of many ancient and modern relics and it is one of the second batches of the state-list of famous historical and cultural cities announced by the State Council. Yiyuan Historical Block, Wuhan Art Museum and the Jianghan Road Walking Street are the representatives of many sites of historical interest and cultural relics under protection. This tour of the famous historical city is organised to fully display the Life features of the historical and cultural block, feeling the reconstruction and reuse of old buildings and feeling the style of the former concession when walking around.

Time: 3 hours (9:00-12:00)

Route: Yiyuan Historical Block –Wuhan Art Museum – Jianghan Road Walking Street

Theme: Protection of the famous historical cultural city of Wuhan and the reconstruction and reuse of old buildings in Wuhan; experience of the style of the former concession in Hankou.

2. Tour of Industrial Heritage
Purpose: In 1861 the opening of Hankou and the Westernisation Movement, which started when Zhang Zhidong governed Hubei, gave Wuhan the modern industrial base. In the 1920s Wuhan gradually formed a relatively complete industrial system, having a large influence on the industrialisation and modernisation process of China. During the period of the “1st Five-Year” Plan, the county established the strategy of giving priority to the development of heavy industry and arranged a lot of key projects in Wuhan, which promoted the industrial construction of Wuhan. This tour of the industrial heritage is organised to make you feel the past industrial splendour of Wuhan, and to explore the new thought of protecting and developing industrial sites and comparing the reuse and development countermeasure of industrial sites in China and other countries.

Time: 3 hours (14:30-17:30)

Route: Hankou Xintiandi – Wuchang King Metropolis

Theme: Perfectly combine the reconstruction and reuse of industrial buildings and business development; wake up the new vitality of old buildings.

Companions’ Tours

Culture Tour of Wuhan
October 26, 2011, 8:00-12:00

Wuhan City has 3500 years of ancient civilization, including the legend of Yellow Crane Tower, the story of Yu Boya and Zhong Ziqi, the cultivation of the Yangtze Rive, and the inheritance of Chu-Han culture. This cultural tour of Wuhan will trace history and will let you feel the poetic romance of the scenic spots.

The tour is offered by the LOC. Tea break and lunch (if desired) on own cost.

Tour of Ecological City
October 27, 2011, 14:00 -17:30

With two rivers and hundreds of lakes, Wuhan is rich in indigenous plant resources. In the city the crisscross hill-axis, water system and the excellent natural conditions make Wuhan a unique ecological garden city. This tour of the ecological city will display the features of the largest ecological resource of inner lakes in the city and explore the ecological landscape design of the riverside wetland.

The tour is offered by the LOC. Tea break and lunch (if desired) on own cost.

Post Congress Tours

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Five-day tour of Zhangjiajie and Phoenix Town

Price: 215 Euro/person (English Tour Guide included)

DAY 1    Wuhan – Huaihua
18:10: Train K809 from Wuhan Railway Station to Huaihua.

DAY 2    Huaihua – Phoenix
06:10: Leave Huaihua, take a bus to Phoenix (about 2.5 hours’ drive). Here you will visit Chongde Hall, the old quadrangle dwelling of Fei Sanxing (the richest men of Phoenix in history), Jiangxi Hall-Wanshou Palace, the former residence of Shen Congwen (an eminent Chinese writer), the Ancient City Museum, the former residence of Xiong Xiling (the first cabinet prime minister of the Republic of China), Yang’s Ancestral Temple (one of 24 famous ancestral temples), the ancient East Gate Tower, the North Gate Leaping Rock. You can enjoy the fascinating Tuojiang River in a wooden boat, you can access the Hongqiao Artistic Building, freely walk on the ancient and long blue stone-paved street, taste local specialities, watch the paper-cutting by old Miao ladies, and the process of making ginger candy, which is a famous Phoenix speciality (it takes about 4 hours to visit the scenic spots in Phoenix, excluding free time). At night you can enjoy the night scene of the ancient city and then check in.

Day 3  Phoenix –  Zhangjiajie
After breakfast: Bus to Zhangjiajie (National Forest and Geological Park)-Huangshi Village, which is unique for its peaks, serene for its valleys and beautiful for its forest. Three thousand stone peaks seem to have sprung from the ground, taking on various shapes. Wander about (Jinbian Stream), which is the “most beautiful grand canyon in the world”. Free time after supper.

Day 4   Tianzi Mountain
After breakfast: Visit of Tianzi Mountain, which is known as the king of peaks. On Tianzi Mount you have a wide open view. It serves as a splendid place to watch peaks, sun, appreciate snow. The canyon under the mount is embellished with lavish trees, fragrant wild flowers, and unique peaks and stones in various shapes, forming a huge landscape painting the Ten Mile Gallery Scenic Spot.
Afternoon: departure by bus to Changsha, then transfer to China Railway high-speed to Wuhan.

Day 5   09:58 in the morning: Arrival in Wuhan.

Accommodation: all nights in four-star hotel


Five-day Tour of Xi’an, Famen Temple and Terracotta Warriors

Price: 370 Euro/person (English Tour Guide included)

Day 1   Morning: Flight from Wuhan to Xi’an
Visit the Ming Dynasty Wall with a history of more than 600 years. Itis the best-preserved relics of ancient wall construction in China; Square of the Bell & Drum Tower and Street of Antique Imitation. Enjoy a trip in Yanbei Waterscape Square.

Day 2   Famen Temple
After breakfast visit of Famen Temple.

Day 3   Terracotta Warriors
After breakfast visit the mysterious Underground Palace of the Underground Kingdom of Emperor Qin. Visit pits no. 1 and 3 of the Museum of the Terra-Cotta Warriors and Horses of the Qin Dynasty, the largest underground army in the Qin Dynasty two thousand years ago, which is called “the Eighth Wonder of the World”. Visit the Exhibition Hall of Bronze Chariots and Horses.

Day 4   Xi’an
After breakfast visit of Shaanxi Provincial Museum, Tang Paradise, Qujiang Ocean World, Cold Cellar, Qujiang Relics Park, North Square of the Giant Wild Goose Pagoda, Small Wild Goose Pagoda, Bell Tower, Drum Tower, Square of the Bell & Drum Tower, Street of Hui Minority.

Day 5   Return from Xi’an
After breakfast free time. Return to Wuhan by plane.

Full board on all days except for last day (only breakfast).


Three-day tour of Three-Gorges Dam on the Yangtze River, Shennong Stream (or Little Three Gorges), and White Emperor City

Price: 208 Euro/person (English Tour Guide included)

Day 1    Wuhang – Yichang
By train from Wuhan to Yichang (about 6 hours); supper after arrival. After supper bus ride across the dam to Maoping Harbor where you will board the boat. It passes through the special road for three gorges, the China Museum of Tunnels. You can see the outdoor scene of the Three-Gorges Dam and the dual-way five-step ship lock of the Three-Gorges Dam from a distance; it also goes across the Yangtze River Bridge, you can enjoy the scenery of Xiling Gorge. One hour later you will arrive at Taipingxi Dock where you will take another boat, which embarks at around 21:00pm. The boat will be sailing at night and you can feel the tranquility of the night looking at the stars and listening to the sound of the waves. Overnight stay on board of the boat.

Day 2
Arrival at Wushan in the morning. Visit of the Shengmongxi scenic area. You will go on a panoramic tour of Dicui Gorge, Bawu Gorge and Longmen Gorge (the Little Three-Gorges is the generic term of Wushan’s Longmen Gorge, Bawu Gorge and Dicui Gorge of the Daning River, the biggest part of the section of the Three-Gorges of the Yangtze River). On the same day you will visit the beautiful mountains and waters of Wu Gorge, Goddess Peak, Wushan Twelve Peaks; visit of the landscape of Grand Three-Gorges and Qutang Gorge. Along the way you can experience the local ancient customs on boat. Around 18:00 arrival in Fengjie. In Fengjie visit of the Hall where Liubei gave his Last World of the Relics of the Three Kingdoms, East and West Tablet Forests, Showroom of Hanging Coffins, Mingliang Palace and the scenic area of the White Emperor City.
Around 20:00, the boat embarks in Fengjie. Return to Yichuan. Night on the boat.

Day 3   View the landscape of Xiling Gorge by boat, an authentic section of the gorge in the Three-Gorges of the Yangtze River and the scenery of Dengying Gorge and Maogong Mountain. The touring boat stops at Jiuwanxi Dock and you can visit the Jiuwanxi Gorge and then go to Taipingxi by boat. After arrival at Taipingxi (Maoping) Dock, you will go by bus to the the scenic area of the Three-Gorges Dam: climb up to the national scenic area of Tanziling and enjoy the view of the panorama of the Dam, the dual-way five-step ship lock – the largest ship lock in the world and view the scenery of High Gorge and Flat Lake on the platform; in the Interception Memorial Garden, feel the inspiring sight of flood relief (in the rainy season) and visit the scenic area of Huangling Temple. Return to Yichang (lunch at your own expense).
After arriving in Yichang City, return to Wuhan by coach or train.

Accommodation and full board on the boat.


Four-day tour of Huangshan Mountain, Furong Valley, Ancient Songcheng Street in Tunxi

Price: 231 Euro/person (English Tour Guide included)

Day 1     Wuhan – Hefei
19.20: Take EMU (D3084) to Hefei at Hankou Station. 21.30: Arrival at Hefei. You will be picked up.
Accommodation: Hefei

Day 2     Furong Valley
7.00 am: departure by high speed bus to Huangshan Mountain. Visit of the Furong Valley Scenic Area, which is the back garden of Huangshan Mountain. Stroll through the bamboo forest. Along the way you can visit the Plum Lake, Hibiscus Lake, Lotus Lake, Bamboo Shadow Pavilion, Lover Pavilion, Sister Pine and Lover Bridge. The Furong Valley of Huangshan Mountain is 10 km long. You will find the sea-like bamboo forest, green trees and constantly flowing wells. The simple and rough way of life is reflected in the virgin forest.
Accommodation: Taiping

Day 3     Huangshan Mountain
5.00 am: Visit of Huangshan Mountain. After breakfast go by bus to the north gate of Huangshan Mountain to visit “Huangshan Mountain”. It has got the reputation that “the landscape of the Five Famous Mountains tops those elsewhere, and the landscape of Huangshan Mountain tops that of the Five Famous Mountains.” Go up the mountain by Taiping cable car and visit the West Sea Scenic Area (Paiyun Pavilion, Feilai Stone), the North Sea Scenic Area (Dream of flowers blooming), Lion Peak (a Monkey Gazing at the Sea), Shixin Peak (Heihu Pine, Lianli Pine and so on). Have a look at the Feilai Stone from the Bright Summit. Along the West Sea Grand Crayon visit Tianhai, Aoyu Peak, Yixiantian, 100-step Scaling Ladder. Visit Yuping Peak and Guest-Greeting Pine. Transfer by cable car and environment-friendly car to the foot of Huangshan Mountain; then transfer to Tangkou and Tunxi.
Accommodation: Tunxi

Day 4     Ancient Songcheng Street in Tunxi
After breakfast visit the movable Riverside Scene at Qingming Festival – Songcheng Ancient Street in Tunxi. Enter Ming and Qing Dynasties and experience the customs of cultural Huizhou. Then go by bus to the Yixian County, “households in utopia”. On the way you can see the rural scenery of Huizhou. Enter ancient Huizhou just like entering the poetic imagery of Tang Poems & Song Prose and you can find the real portraits of many famous quotations in the ancient pastoral poetry. Visit the Museum of Houses in Ming and Qing Dynasties and Huwen Governor Shop, visit the Paoma House, Jing’ai Hall, Zhuimu Hall, enjoy the ancient buildings of Ming and Qing Dynasties to understand the wonderful poems and couplets of ancient people. After the visit go to Hefei Station and return to Wuhan by EMU.

Full board.


Six-day Tour of Wuyi Mountain, Gulang Island in Xiamen and Yongding Earth Towers

Price: 430 Euro/person (English Tour Guide included)

Day 1     Wuhan – Fuzhou
Go to Tianhe Airport in Wuhan. Flight to Fuzhou.
Scenic Spots: West Lake Park is the best-preserved classical garden in Fuzhou. It was built during the Jin Dynasty and became the imperial garden of the Min Kingdom in the period of Five Dynasties. It is famous for this charming natural scenery.
The Three Lanes and Seven Alleys cover an area of 40 hectares and now there are 268 ancient houses that  integrate the techniques and features of houses in the ancient city of Fuzhou. It is hailed by architects as the “Museum of Ancient Buildings in the Ming and Qing Dynasties”.

Day 2     Fuzhou – Wuyi Mountain
Take the hard seat of k8750 air-conditioned train (0822/1353).
(Ordinary seat of Impression Dahongpao at your own expense: 210 Yuan).
Scenic Spots: Wuyi Mountain integrates the uniqueness of Huangshan Mountain, the elegance of Guilin, the magnificence of Mt. Tai, the danger of Mt. Hua and the beauty of West Lake. In December 1999, Wuyi Mountain was formally listed in the Directory of the world nature and cultural heritage.
The Yunwo Tianyou Scenic Area is known as the “first famous scenic spot” of Wuyi Landscape.
Tea Cave is a fantastic deep cave and deep inside there is a peculiar well valley.
Tiaoyuan Cave got its name because its scenery is close to Taoyuan, Wuling.

Day 3     Wuyi Mountain – Xiamen
(in the evening take the hard seat of air-conditioned train; night on train)
Scenic Spots:  The Ancient Dahongpao Tea Tree only produces seven Liang (a unit of weight equal to 50 grams) of tea and it has been the tribute to the Emperor since ancient times.
The Roaring Tiger Rock Scenic Area is well known for its wind whistling between pines.
The Yixiantian Scenic Area is the most peculiar grotto of Wuyi Moutain. It has got has the longest grotto of China – Louge Rock.

Day 4     Xiamen – Yongding (2.5 hours)
Scenic Spots: Yongding Earth Building is a unique village in the world. It is hailed as the “Hacienda of Ancient Hakka”, with distinct features of buildings in the Ming and Qing Dynasty.

Day 5     Xiamen
Scenic Spots: Xiamen City is the second largest city in Fujian and has the reputation of “Garden on the Sea”.
Hulishan Fortress: the foundation of wall consists of a mixture of silt, camphor tree juice, lime and glutinous rice. In the fortress the most famous item is a great cannon, purchased from Krupp Arsenal of Germany at that time. It has been well-preserved until now.
Jimei School Village: Jimei is the hometown of Mr. Chen Jiageng, a patriotic leader overseas. Mr. Chen spent all his money on schools and made an outstanding contribution to education. The buildings in the School Village integrated the ancient and modern styles as well as Chinese and foreign styles. The “Jiageng-style” buildings make the Jimei School Village poetic and picturesque, just like a fairy land.
Aoyuan Garden is located on the seashore at the southeastern corner of Jimei School Village with a porch, Jimei liberation monument and Mr. Chen Jiageng’s tomb.

Day 6     Return to Wuhan from Xiamen (by plane)
Scenic Spots: Gulang Island ranks the first among the “most beautiful cities and districts in China”. On the island, there is a range of ridges and hills and a dense forest. It is surrounded by the sea and the beach and unique stones and other natural features that are picturesque. Since no motor vehicles are allowed on the island, the environment is very quiet and beautiful and it is well-known as “Garden on the Sea” and “Island of Piano”.
Visiting Jinmen by boat: Jinmen is also called Xian Islet.
Egret Islet Park is a tableland of Yuandang Lake, covering an area of 10 hectares and it is a new city park centering on leisure, entertainment and shopping in Xiamen City.
The Island Ring Road is nearly 30 km long and the demonstration section of colour pavement is 4 km long. The red pavement material is a mixture of colourless asphalt, red slag and red stone and it is the only coloured asphalt pavement. The Island Ring Road faces the sea; its design and greening is original, with a strong artistic quality. It perfectly integrates the sea, beach and green field as a whole.

Full board on all days (except for first day only supper).