
Since 1991 the objective of the YPPs’ Workshops has been to bring together young professional urban planners from all parts of the world. The workshops provide an opportunity to work together as a closely-knit team. The Workshop has its own specific theme which is related to the main Congress theme. The theme relates to a concrete area/project. The workshops are hands-on workshops establishing a good working relationship with young colleagues from all parts of the world and aiming at final findings and results in a very short period of time.

Workshop Topic
The theme of the workshop is „Perm-2 Station Area”. This comes from the need of defining the city development strategy which will ensure its competitive position, strengthens the central part of it and takes advantage of the growing hub of regional and national transportation system.

Final Results of the Workshop (Powerpoint presentation)

YPPs Perm – Final Presentation


The report of the Young Planning Professionals’ Workshop is available for purchase in the webshop as a CD-Box.

6 September: Arrival of invited YPPs in Perm, Welcome Dinner
7, 8 and 9 September: YPP Workshops, Field Work, Studio Work
11 September: Presentation at main congress

ISOCARP Vice President YPPs: Piotr Lorens, Poland
ISOCARP Coordinators: Daniele Vettorato, Italy; Markus Appenzeller, Netherlands
LOC Coordinator: Ekaterina  Meltcova

Perm National Research Polytechnic University

YPPs Participation in the main ISOCARP Congress
After the Young Planning Professionals’ Workshop, all YPPs have to participate in the ISOCARP congress (10-13 September 2012).

The Chapeau Foundation
The Chapeau Foundation was founded to provide a financial grant for approved purposes to a young qualified professional in City and Regional Planning. For more details, please visit

The Marc Jacobs Foundation
The Marc Jacobs Foundation invites Master students from several Dutch Universities to apply for a grant to participate in the YPP Workshop.