Utrecht 2001

Since 1991 the objective of the YPPs’ Workshops has been to bring together young professional urban planners from all parts of the world. The workshops provide an opportunity to work together as a closely-knit team. The Workshop has its own specific theme which is related to the main Congress theme. The theme relates to a concrete area/project. The workshops are hands-on workshops establishing a good working relationship with young colleagues from all parts of the world and aiming at final findings and results in a very short period of time.

More information on ISOCARP’s Young Planning Professionals’ Programma here.

This year’s Young Planners Workshop will take place in Enschede (13-15 September 2001) with the co-operation of the Telematic Institute, about 250 km East of Amsterdam Airport (Schiphol). It starts 3 days prior to the congress. All selected participants are supposed to arrive on 12 September in Enschede. The Workshop starts on 13th and ends on 15th September 2001. On the 15th, all Young Planners will move to Utrecht in order to prepare the Plenary Presentation at the main congress on Sunday morning, 16th September 2001, at the Congress Venue (University of Utrecht).

Young Planners Programme participants have to participate at the main ISoCaRP Congress.

Workshop topic

Selected Young Planners will be confronted with a concrete situation in relation to the development of ‘Knowledge Park Twente’. The participants will work in smaller teams (5 members per team). Each team will be stimulated to work at mutual understanding through intensive dialogue and by confronting each other with different creative ideas. They will be asked to establish an intervention strategy for the problems posed, using their creativity and good sense. The teams will need to keep the broad frame of their subject of study in mind. The fieldwork will serve as a basis for the proposals, where especially the scope of the project in relation to the existing context is essential.

A presentation of the accomplished work to the congress audience on the opening day of the main ISoCaRP congress must be prepared.

Final Results of the Workshop

Group 1: economic efficiency and moderate impact of IT
Twente Business Innovation Valley: SYMBIOSIS
YPP Presentation Group 1

Group 2: economic efficiency and pervasive impact of IT
KNOWLEDGE PARK TWENTE:  an eco-tech vision
YPP Presentation Group 2

Group 3:
YPP Presentation Group 3

Group 4:
not available


Wednesday, 12 September 2001
Arrival: selected & invited participants in Enschede; University Campus Hotel; Evening: Welcome supper

Thursday, 13 September 2001
Introduction on Project Study and Site Visit; Workshop start

Friday, 14 September and Saturday 15 September 2001
Workshop; afternoon departure to Utrecht (Student’s Hostel)

Sunday, 16 September 2001
Presentation to the main Congress audience.
Young Planners stay for the entire length of the main congress;
Departure 20 September 2001

More information on the Workshop can be found in the Congress Brochure.