4th AESOP-ECTP-CEU-IFHP-ISOCARP European Urban Summer School for Young Planning Professionals: EUSS 2013: Strategies for the Post-Speculative City

8-15 September 2013, San Pablo CEU University, Madrid, Spain

At a time of abrupt changes, when the old urban models are quickly becoming obsolete and inefficient, there is an opportunity to look into the future to envisage new strategies.Instead of lame, simplistic, speculation driven solutions we need a multiple and diverse urbanism, capable to adapt to complex situations. New strategies may include reusing the city, rethinking the territory, generating activity, diversity, complexity and density.New strategies may consider how to enhance participation of the citizen in the making of the city. How could urbanism deal in a more responsible manner with people needs? The fourth edition of the European Urban Summer School (EUSS) for postgraduate students and young proffessionals is hosted by San Pablo CEU University (Madrid) as part of the program Summer University 2013.

More on EUSS2013 website.