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Spatial Governance towards High-Quality Development
Chengdu, China| September 25-30, 2021

Annual National Planning Conference (ANPC) is the most influential academic conference with the highest level of participation in the field of planning in China, which is held in different cities each year by Urban Planning Society of China. It has plenary session, parallel sessions, special sessions, forums and technical visit. Participants including planning administrative officials at national, provincial and city levels, urban planners, researchers, professors and planning students from different parts of China and abroad gather together each year to exchange their latest practices, and findings in planning studies, administration and education.

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the 2020 ANPC was postponed to 2021. Instead, 2020 China Planning Carnival which had about 80 online events was held during September 16-26, 2020.

2020/2021 ANPC will be held in Chengdu September 25-27, 2021. 2021 China Planning Carnival will be held online during September 25-30, 2021. The theme is Spatial Governance towards High-Quality Development.

2020/2021 ANPC will focus on the topics including relationship of high quality development and spatial governance, modernization of spatial governance capacity, people-oriented new urbanization; urban renewal under the concept of full cycle management, rural revitalization and village space governance, public facilities and infrastructure based on the principle of fairness and justice, natural and cultural heritage protection, application of new generation information technology, safe and resilient city etc.

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