6th International Conference ‘Urban e-Planning’

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Annual Conference of the International Journal of E-Planning Research
April 7-12, 2022

The 6th international conference on Urban e-Planning, organised by the ‘International Journal of E-Planning Research’, in collaboration with the Institute of Geography and Spatial Planning at the University of Lisbon, will be held virtually on April 7-12, 2022. The IJEPR Annual Conferences are a multi- and interdisciplinary forum for the exploration, discussion and presentation of innovative theoretical and empirical research on Urban e-Planning. The 6th International Conference on Urban e-Planning aims to explore how the current digital revolution in the field of urban planning can serve the common good.

Following the successful conferences in 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, and 2020/2021, the 6th IJEPR Annual Conference on Urban e-Planning Research seeks both theoretical works and empirical research on ground-breaking approaches, innovative methods, and new digital tools in the field of Urban e-Planning. The conference also welcomes short presentations with a more practical orientation.

The abstract submission deadline: February 10, 2022.

For additional information, visit the website.


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