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IRE # 1 is the first of a series of experiences realized through this new ISOCARP tool for meeting and exchange ideas between professionals in urban planning. A symposium among experts that aims to bring global issues closer to specific macro-regional contexts: On the occasion of this first IRE we start from the macro-regional context of Europe, the next ones will address other macro-regions of the world. The IRE combines global considerations with the local context, associating “macro” reflections, policies and strategies, with the implementation context and practices (plans and tools): The needs of the “micro”.

This first IRE experience will take place in Vienna from 7 to 10 September 2021. The event will be in person, unless there are impediments related to the pandemic. In every case, the event will be broadcasted online as well. It will be realized in a hybrid form (someone online, someone in person) in order to facilitate the participation of those that cannot travel to Vienna.

Register and submit your abstract by 19/07/2021!

These are the three topics that we will address together in the symposium:

  • Designing and planning the post-pandemic city. Which planning contexts have priority? How to design hybrid models (places, functions, governance models, city platforms…) for planning the post covid city? How to make paths of urban innovation sustainable?
  • Nature Based Solutions as a way to shape a sustainable future for our cities. How to make theme effective to promote sustainable urban development and launching coherent and stable processes of urban regeneration?
  • Culture and Culture Heritage (C&CH) can make the difference in the transition towards the “New Normal”. How do can culture and C&CH can promote new sustainable economies in the city? How to place cultural heritage in the context of current urban policies? What is the role of local communities? How to harmonise, protect, use and enhance the cultural heritage in the contemporary city?


Additionally, a special consideration that takes us to the heart of the problems of EU contemporaneity: What does cross border planning mean in theoretically borderless territories (Schengen Area)? This last special session, coordinated by ISOCARP SG Frank D’hondt, invites planners to exchange and discuss recent practices and research to overcome and prevent negative externalities of national borders on any kind of cross-border and transnational urban area. The session will provide a good opportunity to learn from and exchange ideas on the particular case of the so-called Eurodelta – the potential 40 million transnational and polycentric megalopolis comprised of the nearly contiguous urban area of the Low Countries (BeNeLux), Western Germany, Northern France and even across the channel towards the Thames Gateway. Discussions can focus on both the internal territorial cohesion and collaboration, as well on the global benchmarking and exchange with other megalopolises in mainly Asia and America, bearing the potential to explore ‘planning the future megalopolises’.


Moreover, we are very proud to inform you that on the occasion of this first IRE, we will have a special event with EU international experts relating on the topics of Nature Based Solutions and Cultural Heritage. Our guests will hold five inspiring keynotes:

Growing new roots for the city: Nature Based Solutions as the future of planning for the planet. (Speaker: Sabina LEOPA)

Sabina is an Urban and Regional Planner and the deputy director of URBASOFIA, Romania. A member of several professional associations, including Vicepresident of the Romanian Professional Association of Urban Planners, national delegation member of ISOCARP and URBACT Expert for Local Governance and Integrated Development, Sabina is also a teaching assistant at the „Ion Mincu” University for Architecture and Planning in Bucharest, Romania. Her core foci are transnational and R&I projects, where she works on topics related to sustainable urban-rural development, nature-based solutions and smart cities, while also consulting for integrated urban development for cities and metropolitan areas.

Open Heritage for community-led local development. (Speaker: Daniela PATTI)

Daniela Patti is a co-founder of Eutropian. She is an Italian-British architect and urban planner, has studied in Rome, London, Porto and holds a Ph.D. in urbanism from the Technical University of Vienna. Her recent research and projects’ interest has been on the governance of peri-urban landscape, the revitalisation of local food markets, economic models for community-based urban development and strategies to tackle urban poverty. She regularly works with the URBACT, Urban innovative Actions, the International Urban Cooperation and Urban Agenda on Urban Poverty programs. She worked for the Rome Municipality in 2014-15, since 2012 she is board member of the Wonderland Platform for European Architecture and was a researcher at the Central European Institute of Technology in 2010-14.

Housing as heritage and heritage as housing (Speaker: Elena BATUNOVA)

Dr. Elena Batunova is a senior researcher at the RWTH Aachen University in Germany, an urban and regional planner. She holds a Ph.D. in Urban Planning, Design, and Policy from the Polytechnic University of Milan in Italy that included periods spent studying and researching abroad at the Leibniz Institute for Regional Geography in Leipzig, Germany KU Leuven in Belgium. Elena’s research interests and project activities include urban shrinkage, post-socialist cities, small and medium-sized cities, urban governance, urban planning, and institutional practices of built heritage preservation and use. She had a leading role in several national and international research projects in urban shrinkage, heritage protection, innovations in urban planning, and mega-events impact on local development.

Local Alliances in The Post-Pandemic City: New Behaviors and Technologies Towards a Better Air Quality for All. (Speaker: Pietro VERGA)

Dr. Pietro L. Verga is an international expert and advisor in local development and nature-based solutions with a decade of educational and professional experiences in Italy, Romania, Germany, Belgium and the USA. He holds Ph.D. in Urban Studies from Gran Sasso Science Institute and Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna di Pisa. Pietro L. Verga’s most recent work includes local and community development strategies, nature-based regeneration approaches, circular ecosystems, and innovative urban regeneration governance instruments. Pietro is currently working as Project Manager for SPIRE Baia Mare, as UIA Expert for AIR-BREAK Ferrara, and as Project Officer for CENTRINNO at the Municipality of Milan.


ALFONSO VEGARA, Founder of Fundacion Metropoli, Former ISOCARP President will be a shared Keynote-Speaker at CORP2021 AND IRE#1 holding a lecture on “Supercities. Territorial Intelligences”, he will be present as our special guest at the IRE#1 sessions.

Alfonso Vegara has a PhD in City and Regional Planning and degrees in Architecture, Economics, and Sociology. He is a Fellow and Trustee of the Eisenhower Fellowships, and since 2005, he is Honorary Consul General of Singapore in Madrid. His ideas and projects have been disseminated through more than 30 books and International Conferences in Europe, The United States, Latin America, Asia, Australia, and Africa. His projects have been awarded prizes by The United Nations, The European Union, The European Council of Spatial Planners, Architects´ Associations, Entrepreneurial Associations, Cities, and National Governments. Among these awards is the “Rey Jaime I “prize, given by the King of Spain to recognize Alfonso Vegara’s contribution to the fields of Urbanism and Sustainability. He has also been awarded in three occasions with the prestigious “European Award of Planning” for his work in Euskal Hiria, The Basque city region and the design of the eco-city of Sarriguren in Navarra. He’s member of the Jury of the “Lee Kuan Yew World City Prize” and current President of the jury at the “European Regional and Urban Planning Awards”.


  • All final papers will be published online (with ISSN) in the ISOCARP website and disseminated at global level.
  • The very best papers will be issued in a proper ISOCARP Review or a specific ISOCARP Book (with ISBN)

Those who register for IRE #1 have access to complete CORP conference,

  • 4 days of keynotes, 150+ presentations, social events, catering (coffee breaks, lunch, at least 1 fully covered evening event), as you know the actual status of list of presentation slowly evolving into final program is always available here: https://www.corp.at/Download/CORP2021/realcorp2021programme.pdf
  • CORP will offer extremely attractive packages for accommodation in Vienna – i.e. 4 nights in university-/student homes and dormitories in walking distance from the Venue (BOKU), i.e. € 185,- for 4 nights (no breakfast etc. included, but kitchen available, private bathroom, etc.).
  • For sports enthusiasts: Vienna City Marathon will be immediately after CORP, on Sunday 12 September, https://www.vienna-marathon.com/ – perfect opportunity to combine conference and sports events, and due to the special deals with BOKU and student/staff-accommodation we avoid the problem with hotel availabilities.


Event Designer and Director

The IRE # 1 event was conceived and organized by Dr.-Ing. Pietro Elisei (ISOCARP President Elect), who also played the role of content manager assisted by the invited key-note speakers and supported by the CORP 2021 team (special thanks to Manfred Schrenk and Clemens Beyer) and the ISOCARP Secretariat Team (special thanks to Jonas Le Thierry).

Pietro Elisei, Town and regional planner, senior researcher, and policymaker. He collaborated, as consultant, with ministries, cities and towns all over Europe, holding important positions in international organizations dedicated to urban planning (PLANUM SG, ISOCARP VP). International expert in urban regeneration policies, integrated planning for small-medium sized cities and topics related to smart cities and strategic planning. A collaborator with EU universities and research centers, he works as international expert with international institutions (European Commission: URBACT and UIA Secretariats, UN-Habitat, UNECE) for important urban and territorial planning research/planning tasks. Dr. Elisei also routinely holds keynote speeches in international conferences and publishes a number of scientific articles on topics related to urban planning. Founder and Director of URBASOFIA (www.urbasofia.eu). President of the NGO Urban 2020 (https://urban2020.org/)

For any further request for information, please contact ire@isocarp.org


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