Shaping light for health and wellbeing in cities
December 16-17, 2021
Call for abstracts extended: October 4, 2021
Shaping light for health and wellbeing in cities means considering diversified aspects and implications that light can have on human lives.
Therefore, the conference aims to investigate the multifaceted consequences that light has on life in cities. Contributions from participants will support the collection of evidence on indoor and outdoor lighting impacts on health and wellbeing. They will be analysed considering their various domains (medicine, social sciences, urban and lighting design, urban planning, ethics, etc.) and included in the development of tools and policy guidance to support the decision-making processes, ensuring the integration of health and wellbeing domains in urban lighting plans.
The conference is organised by the ENLIGHTENme consortium, which has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme.
For more information, please click here.