Thinking Big: 2050 City Megagrowth” virtual forum

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This Event Endorsement Agreement is signed by the event organiser and ISOCARP (the endorsing organisation) specifically and exclusively concerning the event mentioned above. The agreement is valid for the period between the date of signature and the completion of the event.

The event organiser will receive the following benefits:

  1. The right to use the ISOCARP logo in the event’s promotional materials.

  1. Communication about the event on ISOCARP’s Social Media channels.

  1. The display of the July 2023 event’s banner or logo on the ISOCARP website until the event’s date.

  1. Announcement of July 2023 event in ISOCARP PULSE Newsletter.

The endorsing organisation will receive the following benefits:

  1. The display of the ISOCARP logo as Partner Organisation on the homepage of the July 2023 event’s website and materials

  1. Inclusion of an ISOCARP member presentation in the July 2023 event




IAIA and Cities Alliance


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