Urban Lab Session: Championing Local Green Deals

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Championing Local Green Deals
Online | July 16, 2021

The Urban Lab Session “Championing Local Green Deals” will take place online on 16th July, 9.30-11.00 CEST. The event is coordinated by ISOCARP Institute and it is part of the 3-day Urban Thinker Campus “A Local Green Deal”, organised by Studieninstitut Rhein-Neckar (Mannheim, Germany).

Through the European Green Deal, the European Union has set the ambitious target of becoming the first carbon-neutral continent by 2050.  The European Green Deal includes various actions, measures and tools in nine policy areas (such as clean energy, sustainable mobility, biodiversity, etc.). However, it is crucial to transform the direction given by the Green Deal into local actionable projects and concrete interventions. Following Mannheim’s input and effort to develop a Local Green Deal Mannheim, this Urban Lab Session will collect and discuss valuable practices and experiences in the implementation of Local Green Deals.

More information on how to register as a participant or contributor here!




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