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Workshop – EU Week of Regions and Cities “Achieving the green transition in the megaregion Eurodelta”
October 14, 2021
online – ZOOM meeting
11:30 – 13:00 CET

SURE-Eurodelta Network invites you to join the 19th EU Week of the Regions and Cities conference and contribute to the debate on “Achieving the green transition in the Megaregion Eurodelta.” The workshop will debate on the role of our megaregion in addressing challenges and impacts and in achieving green transition plans.

The workshop by the SURE-Eurodelta Network will focus on presenting concrete spatial and policy-oriented actions, especially in the field of sustainable transport infrastructures and mobility. The SURE partners from four countries will showcase the potential of cross-border cooperation for reaching the strategic policy goals of the EU. The Sustainable and Smart Mobility Strategy, the results of the ESPON STISE study and the best practices from metropolitan regions will be presented on this workshop.

Register here: SURE Event on EU Week of Regions and Cities


11:30 - 13:00


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