LogoISOCARPBetterCitiesOutlinesBiggerISOCARP is holding an international logo design contest to create a new image that reflects a global society.

Design Requirements

1. Theme: The winning logo must be appropriate for the “International Society of City and Regional Planners” and/or promote the mission of ISOCARP: “Knowledge for Better Cities.”

2. Universal: The winning design should be universal in theme. The design must exclude any text.

3. Color: The preferred colors are ISOCARP’s
original blue: R 0, G 174, B 239
and green: R 130, G 183, B 30.
Other color combinations may be considered. The logo should also be recognisable in black and white.

4. Reproducible: The winning design must be easily reproducible and scalable for large and small formatting.

5. Integrity: The winning logo shall not contain copyrighted material. Logos must have been created and edited by the contestant(s). Logos may not include images or licensed images that have been previously published.

6. Compatibility: The design shall replace the circular text logo and be compatible with the “ISOCARP” and “Knowledge for Better Cities” text (to the right or below the new logo).
The logo may also be modified to serve as the mark for ISOCARP programmes and projects.

Entry Specifications

1. The contestant must include their name and email address

2. The logo must be in a standard digital format such as JPG, PDF or TIF.

3. The logo must be 300dpi; no smaller than 1200×1200 and no larger than 2000×2000.

Deadline and Dates

1. All entries must be emailed to isocarp_logo@isocarp.org no later than May 14th, 2016.

2. Contest finalists will be selected by the EXCO on May 28th, 2016 and the membership will vote on the final design in June.

3. The contest winner will be awarded in September 2016 at our 52nd International Planning Congress in Durban, South Africa. The winner will have his or her registration fees waived for the Congress.

Contest Official Rules

The winner will be selected by the ISOCARP EXCO. The winner will be required to sign a contract assigning all ownership of the logo to ISOCARP.
Additionally, ISOCARP may alter, modify or revise the logo as it sees necessary to achieve the goals of the Society.

The contest is open to the general public. The EXCO members are not eligible to submit entries. ISOCARP reserves the right not to select a winner if, in its sole discretion, no suitable entries are received.

Participation constitutes the entrant’s full and unconditional agreement to and acceptance of these official rules.

For more information and questions, contact isocarp_logo@isocarp.org