ISOCARP Diamond Anniversary Series 2024

1st International Conference for New Cities
“Planning New Regenerative Cities”
New Clark City, The Philippines
10-13 September 2024

60th ISOCARP World Planning Congress
“Reinventing The (In)visible Cities”
Siena, Italy
8-12 October 2024

ISOCARP Review 20

“From the (IN)VISIBLE to the NEW: Preserving Urban Memories and Inventing New Regenerative Cities”

Open Call for Entries
ISOCARP Review of World Planning Practice (Volume 20)


This publication marks a significant milestone in the history of ISOCARP: the 60th year of ISOCARP World Planning Congresses. Therefore, our celebration crystallized in the decision to organize two inspiring events in two exciting cities, New Clark City in Philippines and Siena in Italy. The 60th ISOCARP World Planning Congress – Reinventing the (In)Visible Cities, held in the historic Italian city of Siena from the 8th to 12th October 2024, will be the highlight event of this special year and part of ISOCARP’s 60th World Planning Congress Diamond Anniversary Series.

On the ISOCARP Review

ISOCARP is proud to present our flagship publication, the ISOCARP Review, published since 2004. The theme of the Review mirrors that of the annual Congress. Recent topics have included: sustainable cities; planning with water; food security planning; newplanning tools and methods; and this year, climate change planning. Together with the Review and the Congress proceedings, ISOCARP provides its members, and the world’s planning community, with a comprehensive set of volumes providing solutions to the major challenges of contemporary urban planning. ISOCARP Review 20 will be a platform for the two events’ best research papers, case studies analysis, city reports, best practice in the main topics and themes that we chose for 2024, which reflect the uniqueness of the two events in covering contemporary issues related to new city planning and preservation of cultural heritage and urban memories.


“From the (IN)VISIBLE to the NEW: Preserving Urban Memories and Inventing Regenerative Cities”

Suggested Topics

Authors are advised to address the following Topics:

  • 1st Category for topics (Related to Planning New Regenerative Cities):
    • 1.1 New City Planning & Development: Navigating the Future
    • 1.2. Brownfield urban planning & development: Vibrant New City Density
    • 1.3. Climate adaptive and resilient (new) cities: Advancing Adaptive Resource Reutilization
    • 1.4. New cities and digital economy: Smart Circular Cities and Neighborhoods.
    • 1.5. Culturally rooted and inclusive healthy new cities & towns: Sense of New Place.
  • 2nd Category for topics (Related to Reinventing The (In)visible Cities):
    • 2.1. Cultural Heritage for Sustainable and Climate-Resilient Futures
    • 2.2. Innovation, creativity, legacy: Cities of/for Tomorrow
    • 2.3. Urban Memories and Inclusive Regeneration
    • 2.4. Sustainable Urban Density
    • 2.5 Circular Urbanity

Authors’ Invitation

The ISOCARP Review Editorial Team invites you to contribute to the next issue of our publication, Review of World Planning Practice (Volume 20), which is aligned with the topics of our upcoming congress in Siena, Italy and conference in New Clark City, Philippines. Please see the scope of the two events using the following links:

The 60th World Planning Congress | Reinventing the (in)visible cities 

1st International Conference for New Cities | Planning New Regenerative Cities

The themes allow for a global debate on the evolution and innovations of just cities and communities and a better consideration of climate action and urban economy as crucial components of better sustainable planning. Considering various spatial scales – from neighborhood to metropolitan, Volume 20 intends to cover an array of strategies, instruments, mechanisms, and design principles for improving the quality of life in the built environments across the globe. The publication aims to offer an array of evidence for improved planning practice, informed by and based upon various tools – from the shift in policymaking towards new modes of designing urban space.

Selection Process

Do you have an essay, research paper or a pioneering project which is ready to be published? Please fulfill the following form and send us your paper until September 20, 2024.

The process of selecting submissions for Review 20 will include two phases:

  • In the first phase, ISOCARP members who are interested in having their contribution included in Review 20 are asked to submit a letter of interest including 300- 500 words abstract, and a reference list of works related to the congress theme – either theoretical or urban planning projects.
    • The deadline for this phase is 30th July 2024.
  • In the second phase, the editorial team will select the best contributions and their authors will be asked to submit full articles.

    • The deadline for this phase is September 20, 2024.

  • All submissions will be further carefully reviewed and edited.

Publication Requirements

In case of your abstract is accepted, you will be asked to submit three separate files:

  1. A text-only draft article which indicates where all graphics are to be placed.
  2. The illustrations with captions and credits for the article.
  3. Short bio (max. 150 words) and a photograph of each author.

The submission package should be sent to ISOCARP Review Editors at and

Submission deadline: September 20, 2024