Seven members of the ISOCARP Community of Practice report on how they go through the COVID-19 crisis, how they experience their city and how their cities are taking action. Watch all the notes from Brisbane, Wuhan, New Delhi, Abu Dhabi, Dubai, Geneva and New York at YouTube.

The ISOCARP Community of Practice Urban Health is a platform for members to develop together knowledge and advocacy towards cities to invest in the planning of healthy and resilient cities for all, within a broader agenda to achieve the UN Sustainable Development Goals. The CoPUH will enable to: gather, produce and improve knowledge on the topic amongst its members; define and promote urban planners’ unique role to shape healthy/caring cities and healthy behaviours; explore new definitions and strategies; share ideas and identify best practices; and, establish partnerships to bring us closer to the goal of healthy/caring cities and citizens.

If you want to share your video, or want to join the CoP Urban Health, please write us at