It is a pleasure to inform you that more then 150 presentations have been selected by the international program committee for Real CORP 2014, 19th International Conference on Urban Planning and Regional Development in the Information Society under the topic

PLAN IT SMART! – Clever Solutions for Smart Cities

that will take place 21-23 May 2014, Vienna, Austria

at the premises of WKO – Austrian Economic Chamber (A-1045 Wien, Wiedner Hauptstraße 63,

The list of accepted papers and presentations is available here:

If you have heard about the latest “Smart City Rankings” you might have noticed that the City of Vienna is always top-ranked.

What does make Vienna a “Smart City”?

And can cities learn from each other how to become a “Smart City”?

Co-operations with the initiative “Smart City Wien” and the City of Vienna Urban Planning Department for sure will offer some answers.

Another co-operation is with GREET VIENNA 2014  (GREET – Global Real Estate & Economy Talks),a highly exiting and reputated Real Estate Event, that will take place 19 & 20 May 2014 in Vienna. REAL CORP 2014 and GREET VIENNA 2014 will offer combined participation packages to all registered participants.

EARLY BIRD REGISTRATION for REAL CORP s still OPEN until MARCH 15 2014 via website WWW.CORP.AT

Detailed program for REAL CORP will be available from mid April.

All the latest information on the conference is available at our website

 The CORP team is of course ready for all your questions, remarks and suggestions – the easiest way is an e-mail to .

Your membership