ISOCARP has selected a strong Urban Planning Advisory Team (UPAT) for the Jiangbei New Area, Nanjing (PRC).


After an unusually short and very intensive period of preparation, ISOCARP has selected a strong Urban Planning Advisory Team (UPAT) for the Jiangbei New Area, Nanjing (PRC). Dhiru Thadani (India/USA) is appointed as Team Leader. Dr. Awais Piracha (Australia) is appointed as UPAT Rapporteur. Dr. Tomasz Madja (Poland), Dr. Liang Huew Wang (Hong Kong/Malaysia) and Mr. Jos Verweij (the Netherlands) were selected to participate in the first of two UPAT workshops. The first Nanjing UPAT Workshop will be held 11-17 August 2013.

Nanjing Jiangbei New Area

Background and general objectives
In the coming decade, the Jiangbei New Area is an important development area for both the City of Nanjing and the South Jiangsu Region. Jiangbei New Area, north of the Yangtze River, covers an area of 2.450 In the near future, this area will have residential areas for 4 million inhabitants, a CBD and districts for factories and industries. The City of Nanjing has the task to transform the Jiangbei New Area into a strategic demonstration zone for (inter) regional and economical development.


Images of Nanjing and the Jiangbei New Area. More information about the Jiangbei New Area can be found in the members’ area of the ISOCARP website.

The development of the Jiangbei New Area will bring enormous opportunities and challenges for the Yangtze River delta area and the Nanjing Metropolitan area. The City of Nanjing underlines the need for innovative strategies on transit-oriented development and ecological, sustainable and low-carbon urban development. Integrated urban design and landscape design will be needed or the most important nodes and areas of the Jiangbei New Area.

The Nanjing Urban Planning Bureau cooperates with many local and regional organisations, like the University of Nanjing and the Nanjing Institute of City and Transport Planning, as well as with national and international knowledge institutions such as the Urban Plan Society of China (UPSC) and the International Society of City and Regional Planners (ISOCARP).


Regions and cities need new approaches to ensure the future liveability and prosperity for their communities, citizens and enterprises. First of all, liveable regions must ensure the basic needs for food, housing, safety, utilities and amenities, education and culture, healthcare and mobility. Secondly, cities should make use of the human potential, creativity and talent of their inhabitants. Thirdly, cities must preserve and restore the natural and cultural assets to ensure liveability and modern continuity with the historical past.
A UPAT has the potential to make a valid and crucial contribution to enhance awareness, to develop strategies, to propose policies and to stimulate a set of integrated activities that would help the city and its communities to become more liveable, sustainable and prosperous and, at the same time, generate more tenable economic activity for the future prosperity of the region and its settlements.
The UPAT Team is invited to assist the Nanjing Urban Planning Bureau in making practical visions, designs, implementing tools and steps for the Jiangbei New Area. The Nanjing Urban Planning Bureau is working on a comprehensive development strategy and an integrated spatial plan. The Nanjing Urban Planning Bureau will host the ISOCARP Urban Planning Advisory Team in Nanjing in August 2013 as well as in September 2013.
The UPAT Team members are requested to share their knowledge and experiences. Themes that will be addressed are urban transportation and transit oriented development, water management in the catchment areas of major rivers, sustainable, ecological and low-carbon low-carbon urban development.


(1) Urban Planning and Design. The first research task is to support the Nanjing Urban Planning Bureau in making a development plan and an urban design for the Jiangbei New Area. The Jiangbei New Area needs to have a close relation with the Yangtze River that runs that parallel to the locations for future urban development.
(2) Urban and Landscape Structures. The locations for future urban development in the Jiangbei New Area have a long and narrow shape (60 by 15 kilometres). The second research task is to support the Nanjing Urban Planning Bureau in the optimization of the land use and the urban and landscape structures of the Jiangbei New Area in order to be able to develop an efficient and multi-functional city centre.
(3) Transit Oriented Development. The Jiangbei New Area is situated at the north side of the Yangtze River. The third research task is to support the Nanjing Urban Planning Bureau in exploring the chances and challenges to connect the Jiangbei New Area by public transport with the City of Nanjing, situated south of the Yangtze River.
(4) Sustainable Urban Development. The Jianbei New Area will be an example of low-carbon and ecological urban planning and design. The fourth research task is to support the Nanjing Urban Planning Bureau in implementing advanced ideas and innovative practices for the Jiangbei New Area. This includes sustainable energy planning, water management and planning and design with respect to landscape, nature and ecology.


The role of the UPAT Team is to work closely and collectively together with the Nanjing Urban Planning Bureau as colleagues for two separate weeks to review practical concepts, designs and solutions for the Jianbei New Area.
In the second week of August 2013, the international Urban Planning Advisory Team will travel to Nanjing for the first five-day workshop with field trips and a first exchange of ideas and practices. In this first workshop, the international Urban Planning Advisory Team will focus on the successful experiences of theory and practice of water management in the catchment areas of major rivers, transit oriented development and sustainable urban development in other continents and countries that may serve as an inspiration for the development of the Jiangbei New Area. The results of this first UPAT Workshop will be presented and highlighted in a first UPAT Report with observations, opinions and recommendations on the final day of this UPAT Workshop.

In September 2013, the international Urban Planning Advisory Team will travel to Nanjing for the second five-day workshop. This workshop will focus on practical visions, designs and implementing tools and steps for a comprehensive development strategy and an integrated spatial plan for the Jiangbei New Area. The results of this second UPAT Workshop will be presented and highlighted in a second UPAT Report with observations, opinions and recommendations on the final day of this UPAT Workshop.

In November 2013, the international Urban Planning Advisory Team International consultant team will travel to Nanjing for a three-day conference. As part of this conference, the UPAT Team will present and highlight their observations, opinions and recommendations in a third UPAT Report. The final UPAT Report needs to be completed within two weeks after this conference.


The UPAT Team comprises a total of five to six ISOCARP members. The Team Leader, the UPAT Rapporteur, two to three senior planners and the Vice President UPATs.

The relevant expertise and experience of ISOCARP members for this Project need to match with the scale and complexity of the planning of the Jiangbei New Area and with large scale and metropolitan developments across and along a major river.

The Vice President UPATs sends out the Call for Candidates on 08 July 2013 for a Team Leader, a UPAT Rapporteur and the senior planners. The deadline for the reception of applications is 14th of July 2013. Candidates with the following expertise and skills are encouraged to apply:

  • Research of urban industries and economical development;
  • Research of sustainable, ecological and low-carbon urban development;
  • Research of urban transportation and transit-oriented development;
  • Strategic urban planning and urban design;
  • Research and analyses of cities, global trends, case studies of best and worst practises;
  • The theory and practice of water management in the catchment areas of major rivers;
  • Research and review of spatial planning policy documents;
  • Writing clear and comprehensive spatial vision and economic documents, translation vision documents into principles, scenarios, strategies and direct applicable practical solutions;
  • Working experience in China and Chinese cities is recommended.

The Vice President UPATs has consulted the Nanjing Urban Planning Bureau during a preparatory visit on 10-12 June 2013. During this visit the Scope of Work, the assignment, the objectives, the tasks and the planning of the UPAT Workshop were discussed and prepared.

Next to ISOCARP, the Urban Planning Society of China (UPSC) is also involved as a consultant in this project. ISOCARP and UPSC will jointly take part in every workshop mentioned in this Agreement and in the Scope of Work.

The Vice President UPATs will communicate openly and transparently to all applicants in respect of their considerations in choosing and selecting the UPAT Team.


The UPAT is an ISOCARP response to an initiative of the Nanjing Urban Planning Bureau. The Nanjing Urban Planning Bureau will provide all necessary and relevant information, data and maps covering the scope of work of the UPAT Team.

The selected team members will be requested to arrive for the first UPAT Workshop in Nanjing on Saturday 10 August or Sunday morning 11 August 2013 at the latest. The UPAT Workshop starts on Sunday afternoon 11 August with a city tour. The UPAT Team visits the City of Nanjing and the Jiangbei Area, meet representatives and officials of the Nanjing Urban Planning Bureau and will be able to exchange questions and ideas with them during the week. The UPAT Workshop ends with a presentation of the preliminary results on Friday 16 August 2013. The selected team members are free to depart from Nanjing on Saturday 17 August 2013.

The selected team members will be invited to participate in a second UPAT Workshop in September 2013. The specific dates will be discussed later in the process.

The Team Leader and the UPAT Rapporteur will write and illustrate the UPAT Reports with contributions of the UPAT Team members and in consultation with the Vice President UPATs. The UPAT Reports will be discussed during a Technical Seminar at the 49th ISOCARP Congress 1-4 October 2013 in Brisbane and will be presented at an International Conference in Nanjing end of November 2013.

The UPAT Team will bear in mind that both the City of Nanjing and ISOCARP endorse the Report. Hence the Society’s standards of quality and excellence together with the final quality that the Nanjing Urban Planning Bureau would expect to see in such a professional document will be the determinants. The UPAT Report should comprise of all UPAT working documents and materials produced by team members and should be written in fully edited English language.

More information on logistics and how to apply in the members’ area.

ISOCARP’s Vice President Urban Planning Advisory Teams Martin Dubbeling (
