de1fc9dd0dSiniša Trkulja is spatial planner in the National Agency for Spatial Planning of the Republic of Serbia in Belgrade. His fields of expertise are international cooperation in the field of spatial planning, regional planning and implementation of spatial planning policies and strategies.

Prior to the work in the National Agency he worked as assistant lecturer at the University of Belgrade, Faculty of Geography, Department of Spatial Planning. He has also worked as consultant for the Settlement and Integration of Refugees Program in Serbia for UN Habitat and currently as one of coordinators for the elaboration of the Spatial Plan for the Republika Srpska, one of two entities in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Siniša is holder of PhD degree with the focus on comparative planning, an emerging field of spatial planning which puts in comparative perspective existing planning practices and cultures. He accomplished his PhD degree under double tutorship of professors from the University of Belgrade in Serbia and from Paris Institute of Technology in France. His master degree was the UNESCO Unitwin Chair for integrated spatial planning and sustainable development which was already an excellent opportunity for international exchange of planning practices. The academic studies prior to master degree that he had started at the University of Belgrade in Serbia, he finished at the University Paris IV-Sorbonne in France.

His involvement with ISOCARP has started with the valuable experience of YPP workshop in Kenya, followed by participation in the congresses in China and Russia.