Mark J. Nieuwenhuijsen, PhD, is a director of the Urban Planning, Environment and Health initiative and the Air pollution and Urban Environment research programme a ISGlobal Barcelona, Spain.  He is a world leading expert in environmental exposure assessment, epidemiology, and health impact assessment with a strong focus and interest on healthy urban living.  He has edited 3 books on Exposure Assessment and on Environmental Epidemiology, and 1 on Integrating human health into Urban and Transport planning, 1 on Transportation and Health and 1 on Traffic Related Air pollution and has co-authored more than 450 papers published in peer reviewed journals and 35 book chapters.  In 2018, he was awarded the ISEE John Goldsmith Award for Outstanding Contributions to Environmental Epidemiology.  In both 2018 and 2019 he was among the 1% most cited scientists in the world.