bell-antwerpen-2Venue: Den Bell
Francis Wellesplein 1
2018 Antwerp

Additional information:




Sunday 18 October:
Afternoon: City walks
Evening: Dinner

Monday 19 October
9.00 Welcome and registration
9.30 Welcome by the City of Antwerp – alderman Rob Van de Velde
Introduction – Lineu Castello
10.30 Transport to Walkshops
11.00 Walkshops
The start-up revolution in the Antwerp city centre
Social entrepreneurship in Ghent
Blue Gate Antwerp and Port of Antwerp
Civic economy in a multicultural neighbourhood of Antwerp
Lunch and round table discussion on site
20.30 Keynote Evening Lecture – Kathy Pain

Tuesday 20 October
9.00 Welcome, den Bell
9.30 Lectures
Manufacturing comes back to town – Mark Brearley
Some critical remarks on the productive city – Han Verschure
10.30 Talkshops session 1
A mixed city is a future-proofed city
Stimulating inclusive economic participation
Harnessing the potential of port and industry for the future city
Planning for and with people
12.00 Lunch
11.30 Talkshops session 2
15.00 Coffee
16.30 Conclusions
17.30 Evening reception, City Hall
(Grote Markt 1, 2000 Antwerpen)