Rethinking the Clyde Waterfront

Connecting the infrastructure development into integrated above and below ground urban design for the brownfields redevelopment schemes

Glasgow, United Kingdom, October 23-28th 2016

ISOCARP in partnership with ITACUS have recently made an agreement with the Glasgow City Council (GCC) which entails a Young Planning Professionals (YPP) – Young Professional’ Think Deep Program (YPTDP) Workshop, intended for both British and international young planners and underground space specialists.  The intention is that this workshop becomes a first in a series of events, leading towards producing a set of case studies contributing towards in-depth analysis of interrelations between city planning focusing on urban design and underground space utilization and infrastructure provision.

Within the framework of the YPP / YPTDP Workshop it is intended to bring together a group of 20 Young Professionals (up to 35 years old), both of British origin and coming from overseas. This group will include 10 urban designers / planners / architects and 10 civil engineers / underground space specialists (such as geologists, hydrogeologists, tunnel and geotechnical engineers).

The objective of the workshop is to provide workshop participants with hands-on practical experiences. YPPs work in a studio setting under the guidance of three experts from among the members of ISOCARP, ITACUS and Think Deep UK on a project site chosen jointly by ISOCARP, ITACUS and representatives of the local partners from Glasgow City Council.


Deadline for submission: 30 September 2016
Kindly send the following documents to

  1. Application Form
  2. Curriculum Vitae in accordance to ISOCARP CV standard format – template
  3. Recommendation Letter (drafted/signed by an ISOCARP member, your employer or by your university professor) 

Please send as follows:
Family name_ApplicationForm
Family Name_CV
Family Name_Recommendation

You also have to fill in the this FORM.

At the same time we are looking for WORKSHOP TUTORS. This call is only for members.

For Call for Tutors please click HERE.